Thursday, March 4, 2010

So we now know what got us here---so what now?

We have all had enough time to be able to look back and really start to see what has gotten our country in the condition it is now. Greed, poor decisions, over spending on everyones part, heads in the sand mentality etc. etc. etc.

There is a scientific principle that has held true that for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. If that is true....................

We need to start to think and dwell in that reaction. We can and we are capable of evolving and changing to meet the needs of today. Even in the way we conduct our business. I suggest thinking outside the box on an everyday basis. The ideas may not come immediately, but they will come if this is where we put our energy. I see too many people, to include me, dwelling on what has gotten us to this point. The reality is that it was so huge, so incorrect, so devastating, that most of us are still in shock mode thinking "how the heck did all this transpire and where the heck did I fit into all this mess? It is a good thing to take a personal inventory and own what you need to own so that you can grow as a person --- I want to offer this to you---

Lets start to think of all the ways we can positively, equally react to the actions and reality of today.

I live in the Hudson Valley of upstate New York. Our area is starting to get very involved in the "Green" movement. Many companies are springing up here and I see many groups, think tanks evolving in our area. A Reator that I know has just venrured out with a former client to open a "Green" home energy company to meet the needs of local home owners. He was open to grow and saw the opportunity in the new products and saw its relativity to our environment, our economy etc. and I am sure he could perceive his way of not only contributing to this world but adding a way for him to support his family. Another avenue of income. So in my opinion he evolved into someone who now is reacting to what has happened in a totally positive way.


It is time to put our thinking caps on! Join or form think tanks, get involved in our community like we never have before. Look for the opportunity, it is there, it just might be in a form we don't yet realize.


Don't dwell in the past, the past is like a cancelled check, don't fret about tomorrw, tomorrow is only a promissory note, stay in today, today is cash on hand, today is all we have, what can I do today to make this a postive reaction day!