When a house sells there are many many people who benefit from the sale of that house. From the Realtor and the bank and the respective attorneys to the electric company, gas company, grocery stores who are now supplying the food to the new homeowner to the insurance company who has written the policy for that home. I could go on and on but I think you understand what I am trying to convey. So this integral piece to the puzzle of our economy must be in place in order for the cycle to move.
I was very glad and relieved to hear that our government has not only extended but has also expanded the tax credit to people who have owned their homes for at least five years as this helps the home owner who has owned a first home to put it up for sale and then buy up to his next house therefore allowing a new home buyer to buy his house and he will move on to buy another home. /This will feed a lot of people.
We are all connected and affected by what we do. If we could just really get that and do the next right things, well could you imagine?
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