Wednesday, February 3, 2010

driving home sunset in Ulster County

I love where I live. I like so many of the people in my area. I left work this afternoon and stopped in Emmanuel's for some food stuffs. I was going to the checkout and remembered something on my list that I did not pick up and whirled my basket around and there in front of me was this gentleman who probably thought who is this wild demon. But just like the gentleman I know he is he waved me on and gave me a lovely smile. When I had put my groceries in the car and was pushing my cart back to the store a woman stopped her car to let me pass. As I drove home I saw this wonderful sunset and thought wow, God is a fabulous artist. Every day a new painting for me and never the same. So I stopped to take this pics to share with you. Now I am no Polyanna and every day is not perfect but those are the days I give no power to and this day is the day I give power to and attention to.
I am so grateful to be able to drive home and see things like this or horses or cows or hawks gliding in the sky. I give my attention to these things. I love this area that I sell houses in. I just sold a house up the road from me. They are a young couple, sweet as can be. I am looking forward to them being my neighbors and enjoying watching them put their personality into their new home. I am very lucky. I love where I live and I love what I do. Selling real estate in Ulster County with a great quality of life.

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